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Nursery in detail


Nursery Information

Our purpose-built Bluewater nursery is a two-minute walk from Bluewater’s West Village and a short drive from Greenhithe Station. The nursery is open all year round from 7.30 am to 6.00 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Christmas week and bank holidays), and provides childcare and education for babies and young children from the age of three months to five years.

Our fees include a nursery backpack and all meals and extracurricular activities.

We understand that choosing a nursery for your child is one of the most challenging decisions you will have to make. Therefore, it is essential that you visit different nurseries in the area to find the one that’s right for you. If you would like to arrange a visit or a trial session, please contact us by telephone or e-mail, or pop into the nursery. You are welcome at any time.

Our people at Bluewater Nursery

We handpick all of our employees for their ability to provide warm and consistent care. In addition, our teams understand the physical, emotional and intellectual needs of the children.

All our staff meet stringent requirements set by Ofsted. Before starting work, references request references from the most recent former employers. We also conduct Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service checks. These checks are updated regularly, regardless of the employees’ length of service.

The vast majority of our staff have qualifications in Child Care and Learning and Development. Many of whom are qualified to degree level. Those who aren’t are actively encouraged to pursue formal qualifications.

All our teams receive training in:

  • Safeguarding Children
  • Paediatric First Aid
  • Food Hygiene
  • Fire Safety
  • Moving and Handling

We assess all training needs on an individual basis and provide ongoing support to our teams.

Ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of children is our top priority.

We also work hard to ensure your child has an enjoyable learning journey, learning, developing and have fun!

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is how the Government and early years professionals describe the time in your child’s life between birth and five years of age.

The EYFS helps your child get ready for school and prepares them for their future learning and successes. All children’s early years experience should be happy, active, exciting, fun, secure and support their development, care and learning needs. Learn more about EYFS here.

We believe that a well balanced and nutritious diet should be available to each child daily. Therefore, our qualified chefs prepare homemade meals using only fresh ingredients.

Our Ilford nursery serves breakfast, lunch and tea, with additional refreshments and snacks throughout the day. Fresh drinking water is always available, as well as milk and diluted fruit juice.

We can cater to any special dietary needs, and a vegetarian option is always available. Find out more about Nutrition here.

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